Tuesday 20 January 2009

Here Be Dragons *growl*

I recently came across this really old looking atlas on the Internet while doing some research for a school report. It was a map of the world according to a cartographer in about 1400. There was no America on the map just the small picture of a dragon and the words "Hic sunt dracones" which translates to 'Here Be Dragons'. Nothing more than that. This phrase kept on coming back to me over and over throughout the week. I began to wonder if Christopher Columbus had seen maps like this. As a boy did he see that small dragon and think "What is it that is really out there. Is it what these people tell me or is it something that I have to find for myself?"

Columbus grew up and went on to become the most famous explorer in the world. He decided that he himself felt compelled to find out what was really out there and not just take other people's word for it. We as Christian's should take a leaf out of old Columbus' book and not just take whatever the guy with the microphone has to say as the binding truth. We often look up to people that are in the spotlight or playing the instrument or maybe have 'P.H.D' before their name and we idolize these people and do not question what they say but repeatedly go along with it with shouts of "Amen!" and "That's the truth!" We need to stop and check ourselves about what is actually being said and what we are agreeing to. The word 'amen' is literally translated to 'I agree'. So whenever you say that realize what you are doing.

I came across a blog the other day that was coming from someone from a leadership position. Someone who I assume that many idolize and look up to for spiritual guidance. I won't go into detail but this person was not speaking the truth of God's word. Everybody was agreeing with what they was saying but I don't think they were truly understanding the underlying message of it. We as the body of Christ need to start listening to what our pastors, youth leaders, worship leaders and friends are actually saying and if it does not sound right then to go and ask God about it and look it up in scripture.

Just a thought for the week.

Your humble and handsome correspondant,
Liam O'Brien


JILL BOYD said...

Woo hoo - you're first post!

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.

And Amen to that. It's so important that we don't assume that because of who a person is or their position that what they say is right on.
People have opinions and they are entitled to them.

We are in such danger of setting down our bibles and listening or reading other peoples 'stuff'.
There are definitely some little gems that are found if you look in the right places - but they should never replace that lovely big book of God's actual words to 'us'

Good thoughts LeeLam

Anonymous said...

Yes AMEN, Amen ... "I agree" LOL

but seriously, that's so true.

Mark Flint

Yvonne O'Brien said...

Now where did you get that in your face,tell it like it is attitude! I like it!!! But seriously! I agree with what you are saying even though God works through people it is really important that we make sure that it lines up with the word of God. Too many times people take a scripture out of context and twist it around to suit their theology. Keep it up handsome!